Benefits of industrial aluminum profile processing test mold

One process that industrial aluminum profiles need to go through during processing is extrusion, and die test is a necessary operation for industrial aluminum profile extrusion. What are the benefits of industrial aluminum profile test? Let’s learn about it together.

Benefits of industrial aluminum profile processing test mold:


1. In order to extend the processing operation time, it is necessary to preheat the oil temperature of hydraulic oil first to stabilize the melt glue temperature.

2. In order to adjust the operation of the extruder, aluminum profile products usually have a certain shrinkage rate. Adjust the extruder by referring to the larger value and smaller value of the product size. If the deviation of the value is too large, the operation can be carried out by adjusting the size of the gate.

3. The dimensional deviation of each mould hole can be corrected. If the mould hole and the door size can be aligned, then it can be modified by adjusting the filling rate of aluminum extrusion machine or the temperature of the mould, and check whether the filling speed of the mould hole keeps up with it.

4. Check whether the position of the mold hole or the mold center is moved, and also check whether the mold filling rate is uniform and whether the mold temperature is constant temperature. If there is any abnormal change, it should be modified in time.

Post time: Mar-29-2024